June 26, 2020
Now another four regions within SUSSA’s collaboration have signed an agreement with Cambio on a new, modern and comprehensive digital healthcare information system for healthcare, Cambio COSMIC. The new solution provides improved support for healthcare staff, increased patient safety and modern tools for patient participation.
– It is gratifying that the option regions are taking this step earlier than expected. We want to give our residents and patients in the regions and employees in health care a modern and future-proof system where national goals such as e-health in 2025 are important, says Per Johansson, chairman of the SUSSA partnership.
– We are very proud that all of the regions within the SUSSA framework have now chosen Cambio. Right now, in the midst of a pandemic that is affecting the entire community, everyone’s focus is obviously to support healthcare in the best possible way. In a longer perspective, I am convinced that by utilising the opportunities of digitalisation, we can contribute to better care and be better prepared for future challenges, says Peter Gille, CEO, Cambio.
– Healthcare in Sweden is strained because of covid-19 and it also affects our work within the SUSSA partnership. We have come a long way and at the present time see that we can keep the long-term schedule thanks to being able to help and support each other within SUSSA, says Per Johansson.
In January 2016, the five initial SUSSA regions of Blekinge, Sörmland, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Örebro counties decided to jointly procure the COSMIC platform, and in June 2019 they signed an agreement with Cambio . The regions Halland, Norrbotten, Dalarna and Gävleborg chose to join as optional regions and today, one year later, these regions have also signed agreements with Cambio. The signing of the optional regions means that a quarter of the country’s population is supported by the new healthcare information support platform covered by the SUSSA partnership.
– The first five contracted regions have been working with Cambio for a year, to jointly design a modern and comprehensive healthcare information support. The optional regions have been involved in the preparatory joint work and are now taking another step. We warmly welcome you to work together with Cambio and with the common basic configuration, says Per Johansson, chairman of SUSSA’s partnership.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Anna-Karin Niemann, Communications Manager SUSSA collaboration, phone: 073-082 62 27, e-mail: anna-karin.niemann@regiongavleborg.se
Jenny Styren, Head of Communications Cambio , phone: 070-379 34 83, e-mail: jenny.styren@cambio.se
The SUSSA partnership consists of nine regions; Blekinge, Dalarna, Gävleborg, Halland, Norrbotten, Sörmland, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Örebro counties. The overall idea is to work together and collaborate to achieve the goals of the e-health vision 2025. The idea is that every region will benefit from the collaboration. The starting point is the needs of residents, patients and employees – today and in the future.
About Cambio
Cambio is an e-health company that is a market-leading supplier in the Nordic region with over 170,000 users. Cambio offers solutions for the entire healthcare and care chain with the aim of offering the most innovative digital solutions for regions and municipalities. Already delivers Cambio health information support to the eight regions and private healthcare providers in Sweden, today the signing of contracts means that a total of 17 of the 21 regions will use Cambio solutions.